Mdash Input Select Autocomplete Test
This was an initail look at using the m- (Mdash) autocomplete component. I was hoping to use it for my font and color picker. It has the same drawbacks as the other things I've seen. More details are down at the bottom in the notes
<!-- this causes weird colors. tested with it on
but the functilaity still didn't work. Turning
it off to make it easier to read the details
<link href="m-1.4.0-dist-min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="m-1.4.0-dist-min.js"></script>
This was an initail look at using the
<a href="">m-</a> (Mdash)
<a href="">autocomplete</a> component. I was
hoping to use it for
<a href="">my font and color picker</a
>. It has the same drawbacks as the other things I've seen. More details are
down at the bottom in the notes
<m-autocomplete source="font" placeholder="Look up a font"></m-autocomplete>
const kickoff = () => {
const fonts = [
{ key: 'roboto', value: 'Roboto' },
{ key: 'opensans', value: 'OpenSans' },
{ key: 'montserrat', value: 'Montserrat' },
{ key: 'lato', value: 'Lato' },
{ key: 'poppins', value: 'Poppins' },
{ key: 'sourcesanspro', value: 'Source Sans Pro' },
{ key: 'robotocondensed', value: 'Roboto Condensed' },
{ key: 'oswald', value: 'Oswald' },
{ key: 'robotomono', value: 'Roboto Mono' },
{ key: 'raleway', value: 'Raleway' },
{ key: 'inter', value: 'Inter' },
{ key: 'notosans', value: 'Noto Sans' },
{ key: 'ubuntu', value: 'Ubuntu' },
{ key: 'mukta', value: 'Mukta' },
{ key: 'robotoslab', value: 'Roboto Slab' },
{ key: 'nunito', value: 'Nunito' },
{ key: 'playfairdisplay', value: 'Playfair Display' },
{ key: 'ptsans', value: 'PT Sans' },
{ key: 'nunitosans', value: 'Nunito Sans' },
{ key: 'merriweather', value: 'Merriweather' },
{ key: 'rubik', value: 'Rubik' },
{ key: 'notosanskr', value: 'Noto Sans KR' },
{ key: 'worksans', value: 'Work Sans' },
{ key: 'lora', value: 'Lora' },
{ key: 'firasans', value: 'Fira Sans' },
MdashAutocomplete.prototype.sources.font = async (query, max) => {
// 1. Use `query` to fetch, filter, map, find, or whatever your use case is for getting matching results.
// Note: `max` is the most results that will be shown, which can be helpful to know when dealing with large data sets.
const matches = []
fonts.forEach((font) => {
// console.log(font)
if (font.value.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())) {
console.log(new Date().getTime())
// const matches = ['apple', 'banana', 'peach'].filter((fruit) => {
// fruit.includes(query)
// })
// 2. Result must be an object with the original `query` param and a `matches` Array.
// Note: `matches` elements can be strings or objects with `id` and `value` properties. See Events API above for more details.
const result = {
// 3. Return a resolved Promise with the result (async functions do this automatically).
return result
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', kickoff)
- The docs had `defer` for the call to the .js file. When I did that I got an error updated the Autocomplete prototype
- I don't see a way to turn off spell check?
- Initial view: I'm not seeing a way to trigger events on just hitting enter. All I see is based of clicking an item
- It looks like you might be able to catch an 'enter' key and work off of that.
- Tabbig and using arrows to move down don't work for me in Safari or Chrome on the offical site. The means it's a non-starter for me