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Calculate Color Contrast Ratios In JavaScript



Color 1 Color 2 Ratio


// calculateContrastRatioAntecedent
// This function the main funciton that gets called with two hex
// values. It returns the antecedent as a float. Each hex value
// is first turned into a color object with a luminocity (lum)
// property via the `prepColor()` function before being used in
// the core calculation which produces the final value to return

const calculateContrastRatioAntecedent = (hex1, hex2) => {
    const color1 = prepColor(hex1)
    const color2 = prepColor(hex2)

    const antecedent =
        (Math.max(color1.lum, color2.lum) + 0.05) /
        (Math.min(color1.lum, color2.lum) + 0.05)

    return antecedent

// This funciton contains all the math for the conversion from hex
// to a color object with the luminocity value. It starts by pulling
// the individual pairs of red, green, and blue hex values out of
// the input string and then runs them through the stack of calcluations
// before combining them at the end to produce the value

const prepColor = (hex) => {
    color = {
        hex: hex,
        hex_r: hex.substr(1, 2),
        hex_g: hex.substr(3, 2),
        hex_b: hex.substr(5, 2),

    color.rgb_r = parseInt(color.hex_r, 16)
    color.rgb_g = parseInt(color.hex_g, 16)
    color.rgb_b = parseInt(color.hex_b, 16)

    color.tmp_r = color.rgb_r / 255
    color.tmp_g = color.rgb_g / 255
    color.tmp_b = color.rgb_b / 255

    color.srgb_r =
        color.tmp_r <= 0.03928
            ? color.tmp_r / 12.92
            : Math.pow((color.tmp_r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)

    color.srgb_g =
        color.tmp_g <= 0.03928
            ? color.tmp_g / 12.92
            : Math.pow((color.tmp_g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)

    color.srgb_b =
        color.tmp_b <= 0.03928
            ? color.tmp_b / 12.92
            : Math.pow((color.tmp_b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4)

    color.lum_r = 0.2126 * color.srgb_r
    color.lum_g = 0.7152 * color.srgb_g
    color.lum_b = 0.0722 * color.srgb_b

    color.lum = color.lum_r + color.lum_g + color.lum_b

    return color


// els
// This is a convience object that holds the individual document
// elements

const els = {}

// init
// The core initilization function. It loads the document elements
// into the `els` object, attachest listeners to them and then fires
// off the process once to load the initial values on the page

const init = () => {
    els.in1 = document.getElementById('in1')
    els.in2 = document.getElementById('in2')
    els.ratio = document.getElementById('ratio')

    els.in1.addEventListener('input', updateRatio)
    els.in2.addEventListener('input', updateRatio)


// updateRatio
// This function grabs the current files from the input fields
// validates that they look like hex codes and assembles and
// displays a ratio string if they do.
// The hex check looks for any word character so it's possible to
// send in a string of 6 characters but include ones that are
// outisde of hex (e.g. 'z') which would break. The degree to
// which that is acceptable or needs to be updates is dependent
// on implementation.

const updateRatio = () => {
    const hex1 = els.in1.value
    const hex2 = els.in2.value

    if (!hex1.match(/^#\w\w\w\w\w\w$/) || !hex2.match(/^#\w\w\w\w\w\w$/)) {
        return null
    } else {
        const antecedent = calculateContrastRatioAntecedent(hex1, hex2)
        const ratio = `${antecedent.toFixed(2)}:1`
        els.ratio.innerHTML = ratio

// Kick everything off when the document is ready
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init)
