Autocomplete Select Menu
This is a work in progress. (aka: it doesn't work yet)
- The reason I went through this is I couldn't figure out how to get it so that if you hit enter it would pull the first item in the list and use it.
- Simply couldn't figure out how to get access to the first filtered item
Didn't work
- Was going to try just using a filter on the input and pulling the value based off that, but there's no guarantee that the filter used by the selection data-list would match
- Tried setting up to add an innerHTML with a space or letter then remove it to blank, but that didn't work
- Tried: user-select: text; in the css, but that didn't work
<div id="awsselectmenu--wrapper">
<div id="awsselectmenu--selections"></div>
<div id="awsselectmenu--current-selection">Active Selection: None</div>
The reason I went through this is I couldn't figure out how to get it so
that if you hit enter it would pull the first item in the list and use it.
Simply couldn't figure out how to get access to the first filtered item
<h4>Didn't work</h4>
Was going to try just using a filter on the input and pulling the value
based off that, but there's no guarantee that the filter used by the
selection data-list would match
Tried setting up to add an innerHTML with a space or letter then remove it
to blank, but that didn't work
<li>Tried: user-select: text; in the css, but that didn't work</li>
#awsselectmenu--wrapper {
background-color: white;
/* height: 1.4rem; */
padding: 4px;
color: black;
#awsselectmenu--search-text {
/* user-select: text; */
user-select: text;
const options = [
{ key: 'roboto', value: 'Roboto' },
{ key: 'opensans', value: 'OpenSans' },
{ key: 'montserrat', value: 'Montserrat' },
{ key: 'lato', value: 'Lato' },
{ key: 'poppins', value: 'Poppins' },
{ key: 'sourcesanspro', value: 'Source Sans Pro' },
{ key: 'robotocondensed', value: 'Roboto Condensed' },
{ key: 'oswald', value: 'Oswald' },
{ key: 'robotomono', value: 'Roboto Mono' },
{ key: 'raleway', value: 'Raleway' },
{ key: 'inter', value: 'Inter' },
{ key: 'notosans', value: 'Noto Sans' },
{ key: 'ubuntu', value: 'Ubuntu' },
{ key: 'mukta', value: 'Mukta' },
{ key: 'robotoslab', value: 'Roboto Slab' },
{ key: 'nunito', value: 'Nunito' },
{ key: 'playfairdisplay', value: 'Playfair Display' },
{ key: 'ptsans', value: 'PT Sans' },
{ key: 'nunitosans', value: 'Nunito Sans' },
{ key: 'merriweather', value: 'Merriweather' },
{ key: 'rubik', value: 'Rubik' },
{ key: 'notosanskr', value: 'Noto Sans KR' },
{ key: 'worksans', value: 'Work Sans' },
{ key: 'lora', value: 'Lora' },
{ key: 'firasans', value: 'Fira Sans' },
const state = {
activeKey: null,
fullKeys: {},
const defocusInput = () => {
const actualElement = document.getElementById('awsselectmenu--search-text')
const fixElement = document.getElementById(
fixElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true')
fixElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'false')
const handleInputFocus = (event) => {
// Trying to fix safari issue where blanking text
// removes the caret
// this didn't work for for getting the
// caret to focus properly
// = '-'
// = ''
// doing it explicitly by element didn't work
const input = document.getElementById('awsselectmenu--search-text')
input.innerText = 'a'
// input.innerText = ''
// const selectionsEl = document.getElementById('awsselectmenu--selections')
// while (selectionsEl.firstChild) {
// selectionsEl.removeChild(selectionsEl.firstChild)
// }
// for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// const newItem = document.createElement('button')
// const buttonId = `awsselectmenu--choice-id--${options[i].key}`
// = buttonId
// newItem.innerHTML = options[i].value
// selectionsEl.appendChild(newItem)
// }
const handleKeyup = (event) => {
// TODO: Handle tab and escape
const pressedKey = event.key.toLowerCase()
if (pressedKey === 'enter') {
} else {
state.currentSearch = document.getElementById(
const selectionsEl = document.getElementById(
let counter = 0
for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
const pattern = new RegExp(state.currentSearch, 'gi')
if (options[i].value.toLowerCase().match(pattern)) {
const newItem = document.createElement('button')
const buttonId = `awsselectmenu--choice-id--${options[i].key}` = buttonId
newItem.innerHTML = options[i].value
counter += 1
if (counter === 5) {
const makeSelection = () => {
// TODO: deal with if there isn't a valid option
console.log('Making selection')
for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
const pattern = new RegExp(state.currentSearch, 'gi')
if (options[i].value.toLowerCase().match(pattern)) {
state.activeKey = options[i].key
const prepKeys = () => {
options.forEach((option) => {
state.fullKeys[option.key] = option.value
const removeSelections = () => {
const selectionsEl = document.getElementById('awsselectmenu--selections')
while (selectionsEl.firstChild) {
const setSelectionFromKey = (key) => {
state.activeKey = key
const setPlaceholder = () => {
const inputField = document.getElementById('awsselectmenu--search-text')
if (state.activeKey) {
inputField.innerHTML = state.fullKeys[state.activeKey]
} else {
inputField.innerHTML = 'Select a font'
// This is here to deal with clicking away from
// the input field so it can be closed without
// haveing to set a timer to keep the buttons from
// closing for a bit before they disappear
const handlePageClick = (event) => {
const clickId =
if (clickId) {
const idParts = clickId.split('--')
if (idParts[0] !== 'awsselectmenu') {
} else {
if (idParts[1] === 'choice-id') {
} else {
const kickoff = () => {
console.log(`Kickoff: ${new Date().getTime()}`)
.addEventListener('focus', handleInputFocus)
.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyup)
document.addEventListener('click', handlePageClick)
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', kickoff)
- GOAL: [ ] Accepts an array of key-value pairs to use as selections
- GOAL: [ ] Filter selections based on text input
- GOAL: [ ] Proper accessability
- GOAL: [ ] Show autocompete when typing
- GOAL: [ ] Show first option in text area if autocomplete doesn't match exactly
- GOAL: [ ] Clicking enter selects first item
- GOAL: [ ] Tabbing to secondary selections
- GOAL: [ ] Hitting enter on a secondary selection chooses it
- GOAL: [ ] Clicking a secondary button selects it
- GOAL: [ ] Show the last select item as a placeholder when the field isn't focused
- GOAL: [ ] Ability to select a placeholder on load
- GOAL: [ ] Scrollable list of selections
- GOAL: [ ] Multiple instances on the same page
- This is currently a very naive approach to the matching selections. If the string in the input field matches anywhere in the item list it gets included.
- Dig through this for multiline suppression:
- Create a custom autocomplete list for an input field
- html5 datalist to select only predefined options
- How to create an autocomplete input with only HTML
- HTMLElement: input event
- Detect the Enter key in a text input field
- HTMLElement.contentEditable
- contenteditable single-line input
- contenteditable change events
- When To Use Input Autocomplete In HTML (And When List Or Datalist)
- How to achieve autocomplete feature over HTML drop-down or select element?
- HTMLElement.blur() does not remove focus in Safari when used on contenteditable elements?
- contenteditable
- Why blur and focus doesn't work on Safari?
- HTMLElement.enterKeyHint
- How can I make a browser display all datalist options when a default value is set?
- HTML5 Datalist: What You Need To Know
- [HTML][JS] Input + datalist with validation instead of selects
- HTML attribute: required
- <input>': The Input (Form Input) element
- <datalist>: The HTML Data List element
- How can i validate the input from a html5 Datalist?
- Validate 'data-value' in a html 'datalist'
- Using data attributes
- Find selected item in Datalist in HTML
- data-*
- Javascript: Match datalist options based on input
- HTML - Living Standard - datalist element
- Content categories
- Using data attributes
- Constraint validation
- How to Create Autocomplete Dropdowns with the Datalist Element
- Auto select first option in datalist while typing
- How to auto select the first item in datalist (html 5)?
- Lightweight Autocomplete Controls with the HTML5 Datalist
- Datalist element in HTML 5
- Find selected item in Datalist in HTML
- HTMLFormElement: formdata event
- Selection
- Selection API
- Document.activeElement
- HTMLElement.blur() does not remove focus in Safari when used on contenteditable elements?
- Caret positioning is incorrect in an empty contenteditable element with ::before pseudo
- Why is the caret invisible in a contenteditable with position:relative?
- contenteditable not working in safari but works in chrome
- setCursor doesn't work well with inputStyle: 'contenteditable', #6167
- WebKit contentEditable focus bug workaround.html
- HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange()
- HTMLElement.contentEditable
- Global attributes
- The HTML datalist tag for filter search
- Avoid filtering of datalist items in an input element
- HTML: Select multiple as dropdown
- <select>: The HTML Select element
- Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.3
- HTMLElement: input event
- <optgroup>: The Option Group element
- HTMLElement: change event
- m- Autocomplete